It's That Time Again: BALTICON
It seems that I tend to write more blog posts around Balticon than any other time of the year. Thank you all for hanging in with me. Let...
And Now There Is An Article
I am not your typical writer. I, obviously, do not publish quickly or often. But every once in awhile I get an opportunity to be a part...
Balticon 50 - A Bit of New Media History
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted something, several months, actually. There are many reasons why, but rather than focus on the why I’d...
If you are friends with writers, or follow writers, you may have seen a nine-letter acronym show up every November. Some of you may even...
I Create Late...
I'm a mother who's child needs her during the day... I create late. I'm a volunteer who works to ensure my child's school has what they...
Even Writers Need Vacations
I've been blocked for awhile. It's nothing to be ashamed of, but it is quite stressful. Think about it - you are staring at a white...
Reading, Writing and Recharging
My husband forced me out of the house Memorial Day weekend and I love him for it. You see, every once in awhile, even writers need to be...
Now that's pressure...
The first blog on my very own website. Wow. Now that's pressure. Let's start this venture with a little bit about me and a little about...