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If you are friends with writers, or follow writers, you may have seen a nine-letter acronym show up every November. Some of you may even know what this particular invented word means, but I am going to assume that you don't just for ease. It is 1:41 AM and I am exhausted after all.

NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month - a month when writers from all over the world gather - on their own, in groups, in classrooms, under trees, in coffee houses, and sitting on their beds very early in the morning - to do one thing. Write. The. Words.

I've been participating in NaNoWriMo since 2007. I've even "won" a few times. In this case, winning means completing a novel of at least 50,000 words. Trust me on this - 50K words is not as easy as you may like to think. It's rather difficult, actually. There is a key to this, however. No one ever said that the 50,000 words had to be GOOD words. Just words that lead to a general story.

All of this explanation is the long way of saying - I am doing NaNoWriMo again this year. It may mean that I don't get to do some of the fun stuff a lot of people do during November. Or that at Thanksgiving I am going to be a sweet person rather than a maniac who is imagining how to kill someone IN MY STORY. Sorry for the yelling. Had to make sure you understood that any strange Google Searches I may have for the next month - all book fodder. I promise.

If you'd like to follow along, you can follow my NaNoWriMo page. The image on this page will give you a link. From there you can learn more about me, my novel (Mars Needs Archaeologists) and a few other choice tidbits of informaiton.

Tomorrow I will tell you more about the foundation that is behind NaNoWriMo and why it is so important. Think - writing in classrooms.

More to come! Please cheer me on. It will help me finish the book!

Thank you!

Off for sleep now...

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