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It's That Time Again: BALTICON

It seems that I tend to write more blog posts around Balticon than any other time of the year. Thank you all for hanging in with me.

Let me give you a little background - some of which you know and most of which you don't - before flipping beautifully into the preparations going on for this years Balticon 51, just in case you want to come.

First - 2016-2017 has been a pretty frustrating year. Frustrating years = very little done with writing, editing, or submitting for me. "Come on, it happens to everyone" has been my mantra this year. But still it stuck around, and around, and around.

The good news is that I've started busting the wall surrounding my creativity and begun to, once again, write. I still want to go the traditional method - agent to editor or just straight to editor, editor to contract, contract to being published. It isn't a guarantee, but with literary Spec Fiction it seems like the best place to start, right?

Now, back to Balticon! I have been, for the very first time, invited to be a panelist for Balticon this year. My schedule, as of now, looks like this:

Saturday May 27: 11:30PM - 12 Midnight AM: Insomniacs' Theatre. I'll be able to tell you more as we finish writing the script. What I can say is that this is a fun, live radio show in the style of BBC radio shows. Last year's brought the house down with laughter. This year promises to be more of the same.

Sunday May 28: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: Women in the Business. This is a panel moderated by a man (on purpose) asking at least 3 women, maybe more, what it is like to be a woman working in our chosen fields and in writing. While it may seem like this is a "chick" think, think again. Learning to work with us, and how not to , might be one of the best things you could do at Balticon in the long run. We hope it will be fun and not too preachy. No, really, we can get funny!

Sunday May 28: 9:00PM - 10:00PM: Nutty Bites Live - Atwood vs Collins. This is probably going to be one of my favorite panels this Balticon. I get to talk about Margaret Atwood and Suzanne Collins seminal works for an hour!!! How cool is that???

I will indeed be at Balticon this year, working most of the day, even if I am not on a panel I will either be in the audience or I will be hanging out in our new coffee house writing, knitting, drawing/coloring and hanging out in general.

If you are at Balticon, try to find me. I'd love to say "Hi!"

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